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Sunday, May 15, 2005

The Matrix Reloaded

Neo, Morpheus, Trinity, and the rest of their crew continue to battle the machines that have enslaved the human race in the Matrix.

Now, more humans are waking up out of the matrix and attempting to live in the real world. As their numbers grow, the battle moves to Zion, the last real-world city and center of human resistance.


  • At 8:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Neo, Morpheus, Trinity and the rest of the crew continue to battle the machines that have enslaved the human race in the Matrix.Now, more humans are waking up out of the Matrix and attempting to live in the real world.As their numbers grow, the battle moves to Zion, the last real-world city and center of human resistance.
    The Matrix film series is about a revolt against modernity, post modernity and closed religious systems. The Matrix itself, is the established norm that has been forced on present day culture without its permission. The film series chronicles the journey from bondage to liberation and freedom.
    The Boomer generation (b. 1946-64), literally owns and controls everything! --From DreamWorks/Disney in Hollywood, to Bill Gates at Microsoft, to the Clinton/Bush government,to "Boomer fellowship" churches.An entire generation yearns for new systems, new ways, new ideas, and its voice!
    An entire generation longs to be born anew to new realities. It wants to die to the old system, just as Trinity and Neo did, and be resurrected into a new world/reality. Matrix speaks to this need.
    Matrix means womb! It is the journey or re-birthing from the 20th century into the 21st. It is about a take over by an awakening giant that can not be stopped. The fact that the first Matrix film came out in 1999 and the second and third episodes come out in the new millennium is no coincidence.

    Modernity -the Modern age- has run its 500 year course. The Boomer's 50 year Post Modern Era has ended. The Bohemians are at the gate. A new understanding is crying for birth from the Matrix of the old order. The Creative Age -the new system- is upon us.

    courtesy -
    www.hollywoodjesus.com :)


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